Welcome to the Merit Badge University

Welcome to the Merit Badge University
April 12, 2025


About the MBU

Welcome to the fourth Merit Badge University hosted by the Tennessee Military Department. We are extremely excited to offer all Scouts an opportunity to meet with subject matter experts and pursue a program that may serve as a hobby or future career builder.

Our instructors are from the Army and Air National Guard as well as leaders from the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (TEMA)! Our intention is to provide a full day of exceptional education and inspiration!

The cost is $25 per Scout and $20 per adult (plus Eventbrite fees). Please note: Earning a Merit Badge is not guaranteed. Each Scout will be expected to work on the associated badge requirements. Some steps may need to be performed before or after the event, such as the 12-week fitness program as part of the Personal Fitness Merit Badge. Unit leaders must ensure their Scouts are working within their level of learning.


21 Merit Badges Offered!

Register using the EventBrite form below or click the button and complete registration directly on the EventBrite website. Please note, Merit Badge selections are at the end of the registration and checkout process. 

Registration Coming Soon

Merit Badge Workbooks

Click or hover over a box to reveal the link to the workbook.

Citizenship in Society 

Citizenship in Society 


Crime Prevention and Fingerprinting

Crime Prevention and Fingerprinting




Below you will find a link to the BSA health and safety forms.

More About Merit Badges

You can learn about sports, crafts, science, trades, business, and future careers as you earn merit badges. There are more than 135 merit badges, and any Scout, or any qualified Venturer or Sea Scout may earn any of these at any time.

Please NOTE

Participation in these activities is entirely voluntary and requires participants to follow instructions and abide by all applicable rules and the standards of conduct. Additionally, this event is not affiliated with a specific Troop.

Event Location


Chancellor: COL James Reed
Program Director: LTC Dallas Clements
Program Manager: SFC Ken Weichert
Webmaster: Stephanie Weichert